Tuesday, May 1, 2018

In the Merry Merry Month of May...

As promised a while back, here's a list of my appearances for May 2018.  From the looks of things, these will be my last shows for this year, but if anything changes, I'll let you know.

May 5th, 12-6pm: Liberty Comics (https://www.facebook.com/Liberty-Comics-129730677060799) - We had so much fun last year doing Free Comic Book Day, we were more than happy that the folks at Liberty Comics in Roseville invited us back!  It sounds like it'll be an even bigger event this year, but we'll find a place to squeeze in.  Like last year, I'll be selling Swords & Sixguns: An Outlaw's Tale for 20% off (that means you'll pay $12 instead of the usual $15), plus I'll be including a FREE copy of the short story I did for Motor City Steam Con last year!

May 11th-12th, 11am-5pm: Paperback Writer Books (https://www.facebook.com/paperbackwriterbookshop) - The “Made in Michigan Festival” returns to Mount Clemens, and I'll once again be taking up residence at the table in front of Paperback Writer Books.  Last year, I had the table to myself for most of the two-day show -- fellow author Michael Kitchen kept me company for part of Friday -- but we're hoping to get even more authors at the table this year, so you'll have a great selection of books to choose from (including my own, of course).

Since it appears that the rest of my year will be con-free, I'm going to crack down on my writing and see how much of Book #2 I can get done before the end of the year.  Also, I have a couple of pending projects that I hope to announce soon, so keep an eye here and on the Swords & Sixguns Facebook page for more about that.

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