Sunday, April 5, 2015

Birthday Blues

It's April 5th once again (and Easter Sunday, to boot!), so it's time to give a nod in Richard Corrigan's direction and wish my fictional cowpoke a happy birthday.  Be nice to have some good news to go along with it, but sadly, I'm still searching for a new publisher.  That doesn't mean Richard's story is lacking any covers, though: when I'd make photocopies of the original manuscript to give to friends, I would ply my middling artistic skills and draw up a fake cover for the binder.  A hand-colored version of this pic -- with poses swiped from Jonah Hex #55 -- went to my good friend and unofficial editor Kerrie Moyer.  Reckon it don't look too bad.

Okay, time to get my butt to church.  Y'all have good day, and maybe this time next year, we'll have better news to report on the publishing front.

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