Thursday, September 1, 2016

Happier Anniversary

As you may or may not recall, I officially began work on what became Swords & Sixguns on September 1st, 1994, plus I started the Facebook page for the book on the same day twenty years later in 2014, back when I thought Permuted Press was going to be publishing it.  Well, that didn't pan out, nor did Fear Front earlier this year, but I am happy to report on this 22nd/2nd anniversary that I'm still plugging away at self-publishing, and I hope to have the visuals for the promo flyers to the printer by this weekend.  It'd be great if I could have the book itself published in September as well (just to keep the anniversaries all within the same month), but I'm not certain we'll have everything in place by then.  If we do, I'll be ecstatic, but I think October seems more likely.

My husband and I have been tossing ideas back and forth in regards to next year, when we hope to actually get tables at some of the local cons.  This whole self-publishing venture is still scary as Hell on a few levels -- my anxiety is through the roof some days, making me freak out over little things, book-related and otherwise -- but there are moments when we think up some really cool way to promote this book, or when I open up an email from Matt Erkhart with a new art file attached, and I can see that Swords & Sixguns is going to be a real, tangible thing finally.  Those are good moments.

Keep on checking back here for more updates, and please spread the word about Swords & Sixguns far and wide.  It'd be nice to have a big audience waiting when the books start rolling off the presses.

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